Save the date to see all your favorite titles at your FAVORITE location — Steel Beam Theatre!
Tickets and Season Subscription available now!

We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are. — Anaïs Nin
When does one shift from a child to an adult? How do we separate opinions from facts? Where is the line between possible and impossible? This season at Steel Beam, we will unveil hidden truths, shed light on long-kept secrets, and celebrate the extraordinary in people and things — and we invite you to join us as we uncover everything humanity has to offer.
Did you have a chance to see these stars on the SBT stage?

We’re passionate about our mission to produce quality professional theatre in the Fox Valley and to provide inspiring youth education and performance offerings. As a small local arts organization, we depend on the support of donors like you!
Steel Beam Theatre programming is underwritten in part by these organizations:
Thoughts, comments, or questions? We'd love to hear from you!